Slip and fall accidents are serious, and those who’ve been injured due to another’s negligence deserve financial recovery. If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident, then you understand how severe the consequences can be. According to the CDC, one out of five falls in older adults results in broken bones or a head injury. For older citizens, this trauma can put them at increased risk for hip fractures or traumatic brain injuries.

In their most recent data from 2015, the CDC also notes that medical costs associated with falls totaled over $50 billion. While insurance may cover some of the expense, many who suffer from falls aren’t insured, nor do they have any reason to believe that they’re assuming a huge risk as they go about their day. For those individuals, legal action is their only recourse.

Components of a Slip and Fall Case

When individuals think of slip and fall injuries, they frequently imagine a wet floor in a grocery store. While this could certainly pose a slip and fall hazard, there are many other scenarios that can contribute to a slip and fall. Environments that might create a legally actionable slip and fall case include:

  • Uneven floor
  • Cracked pavement
  • Neglected potholes
  • Items or materials scattered on the ground or floor

Sometimes a person falls and it’s no one’s fault; but liability is often triggered when a property owner knew, or should have known, of the hazard. If the owner then neglected to remedy the issue, a court will likely find the owner negligent. Another factor determining fault is whether the injured person had permission to be on the property.

In addition to medical expenses incurred due to a slip and fall case, sometimes property damage occurs as well. Those who trip on floor hazards while carrying expensive equipment or valuables may be entitled to reimbursement for property damage.

Hiring a Lawyer for Your Slip and Fall Case

Property owners can be quick to place the blame on the individual who fell, when in fact, owner negligence created the hazard. If you’ve suffered injury or property damage after a fall on another’s property, contact the experienced Pennsylvania slip and fall team at D’Intino Law Firm. For a free consultation, call us today at 267-491-9111.